In extreme heat, your pool water and chemicals evaporate faster. When a few rain, sunshine, tanning items, children, and pets get into the pool, your pool’s water chemistry gets messy. Signs of a messy summer season pool consist of cloudy water and algae blooms. Regular pool maintenance and cleaning are needed to fix this. Here in this article, we will help you with the best summer pool maintenance tips right below.

Vacuum Your Pool for Debris and Dirt

Regularly cleaning your pool is important. It keeps the pool dirt free and prevents infections. Like indoor vacuums, pool vacuums remove dirt, debris, and algae.

You should clean your pool to the minimum once per week. This consists of vacuuming, brushing the walls, steps, and floorings, and skimming the water’s surface to get rid of leaves and other debris.

Clean Your Pool Filter

Cleaning your pool filter is essential for good pool maintenance. How often you clean it depends on usage. Signs that your filter needs cleaning include a bad pool odor, clogged drain, and inefficient hose cleaner. Cartridge filters need cleaning every 1-6 months.

DE filters should be fully cleaned every 3-6 months and backwashed monthly. Sand filters need new sand every 3-5 years and should be backwashed monthly.

Maintain the Water Levels

Maintaining pool water levels is essential. If the water level rises or drops a lot, it can disturb the chemical balance and make it tough for skimmers and filters to preserve the pool easily. Keep your pool water on the right level to make sure it remains balanced and clean.

Monitor the Chlorine

You should keep chlorine levels at 3 parts per million (ppm). It is okay to add extra tablets after events or before going away. High chlorine levels can cause a strong smell and itchy eyes.

Chlorine is essential for pool cleanliness, even in saltwater pools. It is reliable, will not discolor the pool surface, and will not erode plumbing like saltwater can.

Observe the Water Chemistry

It is advisable for homeowners to maintain proper pool water chemistry to prevent damage to surfaces, equipment, and decks. Test your pool water bi-weekly with a professional and follow their recommendations.

You should caution against using saline in concrete pools due to instability and algae buildup, which requires occasional “shocking” with acid and chlorine.

Make a Pool Cleaning Schedule

To stay on top of pool maintenance, create a regular cleaning schedule. It is better to add pool tasks to your summer cleaning routine. Consistent cleaning prevents infections and accidents.

Depending on usage and location, your pool might need daily cleaning like removing leaves and debris. You should vacuum and clean tiles weekly and clean the filter each season. Add these tasks to your to-do list for an enjoyable summer.


Maintaining a swimming pool in summer takes regular care and knowledge. By following these expert tips, you can keep your pool clean, safe, and sparkling all season. You can also approach Kehlan Pools – one of the leading pool specialists in Oman, who will take the full responsibility of your summer pool maintenance.

Our pool cleaning and maintenance services are available year-round to keep your pool in top condition with minimal effort. Consider one of our weekly, monthly, or annual repair contracts to ensure your pool is always ready for use.