Are you a proud owner of a swimming pool in Dubai? If so, you know how important it is to keep your pool in top shape, especially with the city’s year-round warm weather. But what are the essential steps you need to take to ensure your pool is always ready for a refreshing dip? Look no further, as we have compiled a list of 10 crucial tips to maintain and care for your swimming pool in Dubai.

From regular pool cleaning and chemical balancing to inspecting the filtration system and ensuring proper water circulation, these steps will help you keep your pool clean, safe, and crystal clear. Additionally, we’ll provide you with advice on maintaining the pool’s water level, checking for leaks, and preventing algae and bacteria growth.

Whether you have a backyard oasis or manage a community pool, these essential steps will help you enjoy your pool without any unnecessary stress or maintenance issues. So, dive into this article and discover the secrets to keeping your swimming pool in top shape in Dubai.


Owning a swimming pool in Dubai comes with the responsibility of regular maintenance. Neglecting your pool can lead to a host of problems, including water contamination, equipment damage, and potential health hazards. Regular maintenance ensures that your pool is always clean, safe, and inviting. By following these 8 essential steps, you can keep your swimming pool in top shape all year round.

Step 1: Checking and adjusting water pH levels

One of the most important aspects of swimming pool maintenance is maintaining the proper pH levels in pools. The pH level of your pool water should be between 7.2 and 7.8 for optimal swimming conditions. High or low pH levels can cause discomfort to swimmers and damage to your pool equipment. Regularly test the water using a pH testing kit and adjust the levels accordingly. Adding a pH increaser or reducer can help you maintain the ideal pH balance. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and always wear protective gloves when handling pool chemicals.

Step 2: Cleaning the pool filter and skimmer baskets

A clean filter is essential for maintaining clear and healthy pool water. Depending on your pool’s filter type, you may need to clean or replace it regularly. Sand filters should be backwashed to remove trapped debris, while cartridge filters require periodic cleaning. Additionally, cleaning the skimmer baskets helps prevent clogs and allows for proper water circulation. Remove any leaves, debris, or other materials from the skimmer baskets to ensure optimal functionality.

Step 3: Brushing and vacuuming the pool

Regular brushing and vacuuming of your pool’s walls and floor are crucial for removing dirt, algae, and other contaminants. Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and floor, paying extra attention to areas with visible algae growth. After brushing, vacuum the pool to remove any loosened debris. Manual or automatic pool vacuums can make this task easier and more efficient. Aim to brush and vacuum your pool at least once a week to maintain its cleanliness.

Step 4: Checking and maintaining proper water circulation

Proper water circulation is essential for keeping your pool clean and preventing the formation of algae and bacteria. Check that all your pool’s circulation components, including the pump, filter, and valves, are in good working order. Ensure that the water flow is balanced and that there are no obstructions or leaks in the system. If you notice any issues, consult a professional pool technician in Dubai to address the problem promptly.

Step 5: Testing and balancing pool chemicals

Maintaining the right balance of pool chemicals is crucial for water clarity and swimmer comfort. Regularly test the chlorine, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to ensure they are within the recommended ranges. Adjust the chemical levels as needed using the appropriate pool chemicals. Remember to follow the instructions carefully and store chemicals in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Proper chemical balance will help prevent algae and bacteria growth and keep your pool water sparkling clean.

Step 6: Cleaning pool tiles and walls

Over time, pool tiles and walls can accumulate dirt, grime, and mineral deposits. Regular cleaning of these surfaces helps maintain their appearance and prevents the build-up of algae and bacteria. Use a pool tile cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar to scrub the tiles and walls. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or tools that can damage the surfaces. Regular cleaning will keep your pool looking pristine and inviting.

Step 7: Inspecting and maintaining pool equipment

Regular inspection and maintenance of your pool equipment are crucial for its longevity and optimal performance. Check the pump, filter, heater, and other equipment for any signs of wear or damage. Replace worn-out parts and ensure that all connections are secure. Lubricate moving parts as recommended by the manufacturer. Routine maintenance will help prevent costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your pool equipment.

Step 8: Winterizing the pool for the off-season

In Dubai, where the weather remains warm throughout the year, winterizing your pool may not be necessary. However, if you plan to leave your pool unused for an extended period, it is essential to take the appropriate steps to protect it. Lower the water level, clean the pool thoroughly, and add winterizing chemicals to prevent algae growth. Cover the pool with a sturdy

pool cover to keep out debris and sunlight. If you’re unsure about the winterization process, consult a pool professional for guidance.


Maintaining a swimming pool in Dubai requires regular attention and care. By following the above 8 essential steps, you can ensure that your pool remains clean, safe, and inviting throughout the year. Remember to test and balance pool chemicals, clean the filter and skimmer baskets, and inspect and maintain pool equipment regularly. Additionally, keep an eye on water circulation, brush and vacuum the pool, clean the tiles and walls, and take appropriate steps for winterizing if necessary. With proper maintenance, you can enjoy your pool without any unnecessary stress or maintenance issues. Contact Kehlan Pools and Fountain LLC in Dubai for professional pool cleaning and Swimming pool renovation services in Dubai and Sharjah.